Enable screen sharing

To share your screen with the members of the meeting, click on the “Share screen” icon located at the bottom of your screen, on the control bar.

Then select the screen you want to share and click the “Share” button.

Your screen is now split.

Invite users to join the meeting

If you want to add more participants to the current meeting, click the “+” icon in the navigation bar.

Enter the name(s) of the relevant users, or enter their email addresses if they are external users.

After selecting the participants, click on the “Add” button.

Join your meeting

To join a meeting, open the message received in your chat or the email containing the meeting link, then click on the link.


A page opens, click on “Continue from web application”.


Click the “Join” button in the center of the screen.


You are now connected to the meeting.


Note: When logging in for the first time, you must approve the use of the microphone if you wish to be heard and your camera if you want to be seen.

Organize your meeting

The Private Discuss solution has been designed for all types of remote meetings, whether instant or scheduled.

==> An instant meeting

There are two possibilities:

1- The thread or multi-string has already been created. All you have to do is go to the space in question, then click on the icon at the top right of your screen.


2- Click on the penultimate icon at the top right, check the people you want to invite to your meeting then click on the “Start the conference” button

==>A scheduled meeting

In the navigation bar, click the `Meetings/Conf Call´ button and then click the `+New Meeting/Conference´ button in the top right.


Give a title to the meeting, set the meeting date and duration, then Choose between Meeting and Webinar:

=> If you check Meeting: fill in the “Internal participants” field or enter the emails if they are external participants in the “Invite external participants by email” field. Complete the agenda field (Optional). Finally, click on “Schedule”.

=> If you check Webinar, general meeting: fill in the following fields: facilitators, internal participants or enter the emails if they are external participants in the “Invite external participants by email” field. Complete the “Agenda” field (Optional). Finally, click on “Schedule”.